Can Group Videos Include Photos?

Group Videos are at their best when they feature lively, face-to-face interactions filled with joy, laughter, sincerity, and a range of other emotions. However, photos can be a nice complement to your videos clips, especially when they add visual support to a story referenced in a video or include something meaningful to the recipient of the video.

We're excited to share that photos CAN be included in your Group Video! To incorporate photos into your Group Video, you can add them to the Clips section alongside the video clips collected from contributors.

Two notes about photos:

  • When you upload a photo, it will show as 0:03 seconds which is the length of time it will appear in the Group Video.
  • At this time, only the Group Video organizer can add photos. However, you can certainly gather photos from contributors separately to add to the Group Video.

Not seeing the ability to add photos?

The “Grid Style” version of Group Videos does not support the addition of still photos. Want to switch to the new version that does include photos? Reach out to us at and we can help!

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