Can the Faces in the Opening Collage Be Changed?

Group Videos come with the option of including a selection of faces from the individual Video Clips.

The process of selecting faces for the collage in your Group Video is automated and based on an AI algorithm. Here are some important points to note:

  • The algorithm attempts to identify smiling faces, but it's not flawless. It may miss some faces due to lighting issues or obstructions, and it might mistakenly include non-face objects or unexpected faces.
  • Unwanted faces, unflattering versions, or missing faces cannot be manually adjusted or customized within the collage selection process.
  • If you wish to remove the Face Collage from the video, you can do so by choosing No when asked to Add Faces From Clips in the Group Video creation process.
    • Note: This setting is under Theme Settings under "Enable Face Collage" in the New & Improved Version.
  • To exclude an individual Clip or Face from the collage, locate it on your dashboard, access the Edit menu, and toggle the Exclude From Face Collage option.

Remember, if you've already created your Group Video, you'll need to recreate it for any changes to take effect.

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